Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Grampfather - "Hot Dog Beach"

Grampfather just released an album back in February and they're already back at it with new music. "Hot Dog Beach" comes out just in time to capitalize on our need for summer themed music. There is a little bit of a 60's surf/beach vibe with the song, but that could just be the psychedelia sneaking through. While songs off Gramppappies had more of a post punk psychedelia, "Hot Dog Beach" is more groovy and sounds like a fuzzed out track off a Nuggets compilation. But, hey... a song called "Hot Dog Beach" has to be fun, right?

You can listen to "Hot Dog Beach" below. 666G is due out August 19, and can be pre-ordered via Bandcamp. For more on Grampfather, check out the band's website.


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