Thursday, January 23, 2025

Daneshevskaya - "Kermit & Gyro"

Photo by Madeline Leshner

The theme for this week seems to be vintage sounding songs, and that fits the latest from Daneshevskaya. The New York City preschool social worker's latest single, "Kermit & Gyro," has that vintage, orchestral sound from 1960's pop music. It's that kind of sound you heard in the 60's that was leftover from the 50's and jazz that ignored the rock 'n' roll revolution going on. "Kermit & Gyro" is a stunningly gorgeous song that packs an incredible amount of beauty, pain, and heartbreak into two and a half minutes. Daneshevskaya is a master of creating songs that get more and more intriguing with every single listen, and this one is a perfect example. 

Anna Beckerman (aka Daneshevskaya) says that her latest single was:

“... written in the desperation of a break-up. I wrote it out of confusion and eagerness. It’s about clinging to the idea of what the relationship brought you and how the relationship can still be a part of you. But also feeling completely untethered and adrift."

You can listen to "Kermit & Gyro" below. For more on Daneshevskaya, check out the artist on Instagram and Bandcamp.

1 comment:

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