Thursday, January 30, 2025

Endation - "Simple Needs"

Boston's Endation makes the type of alt-rock you don't see a lot of these days. The trio's latest single, "Simple Needs," is a huge, anthemic alt-rock song, the sort of song that dominated modern rock radio in the mid-90's. The term "mainstream" is typically used in a derogatory way, but for "Simple Needs" we mean it as a compliment. It's a song that is both beautiful and abrasive at the same time, and if it had been released thirty or even twenty years ago, it could easily have crept from the Sunday night local radio shows into being a local hit. Sonically, while "Simple Needs" has a lot in common with 90's radio hits, it doesn't sound like a throwback. This is a current take on that style, and it's making me miss local rock radio where it should be thriving.

You can listen to "Simple Needs" below. For more on Endation, check out the band on Facebook and Instagram.

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