Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Sleeper's Bell - "Road Song"

Photo by Malcolm Riordan

"Road Song" is the first full band song from Chicago folk duo Sleeper's Bell. The song has this certain alt-folk quality that might delve into freak folk at times, but not too deeply. This is definitely not a standard or traditional folk song. Blaine Teppema (vocals/guitar) has a touch of Adrienne Lenker in her voice, and once the horns come in the song takes a unique and oddly wonderful direction. "Road Song" starts off at least a little traditionally, but soon ventures off into free jazz territory. Somehow this is accomplished inside of a folk song. Sleeper's Bell aren't exactly for the masses, but those with an open mind will most likely end up adoring this one.

Blaine Teppema says of the band's latest single:

“It’s partially about the sunk cost fallacy — you put so much time and energy into something that you forget you’re allowed to try something new. But then, sometimes, you put so much into something and then you’re a long way from where you started, and you have to figure out how to get back, or how to pivot.

“It’s also just about being a kid. I miss how visceral all my feelings were. I feel everything like that again when I’m driving long distances. And I listened to a lot of Townes as a kid, in the car with my dad. ‘Nothin’ was one of the first songs that ever made me feel sad. So I ripped that line from him and made it about me.”

You can listen to "Road Song" below. The song is out now via Angel Tapes/Fire Talk Records. For more on Sleeper's Bell, check out the artist on Instagram.

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