Tristen was recently approached by Lena Mazel and Skyler Meadow Levine of Anaphase Dance to ask for a piece of music for a contemporary dance they were working on. All three love Leonard Cohen, so Tristen chose to cover Cohen's "Dance Me to the End of Love." Considering Tristen has been edging more and more into a pop sound and this is for a contemporary dance piece, this cover is much more faithful to the original than I would have expected. Not that this is a note for note cover. Tristen does make this song sound much more like her own than a Leonard Cohen cover, and she did purposefully make her version more rhythmic for the purpose of dancing than Cohen made the original. Tristen's cover of "Dance Me to the End of Love" is one of the better covers we've heard in a while, and she does the original quite proud by adding her own spin on it.
You can watch the video for "Dance Me to the End of Love" below. The song is out now on Mama Bird Recording Co, and is available via Bandcamp. For more on Tristen, check out the artist's Twitter and Instagram.
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