Photo by Francis Broek
The latest from Berlin's Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys keeps the New Wave meets industrial sound we've come to love from them, but adds a little more discordant noise to the mix. "Howl" has this intense and kind of slinky feel in a way similar to trip hop of the 90's. But there is a foreboding sound behind the song along with some No Wave and indie rock noise. It kind of sounds a little like Portishead meets Sonic Youth. This is an intense and compelling song that is undeniable in its beauty and also in its jarring qualities, and is both at the same time.
Lucy Kruger says of her band's new song:
"I spent the last three albums quietly singing about how I wanted to make a noise and, on this song, I’ve finally managed to do just that - which means, when we go on tour, I’ll have to make more noise, which is a lovely trap to have set for myself. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all goes, and how it all feels, for everyone involved."
You can watch the video for "Howl" below. Heaving is due out April 7 on Unique Records and can be pre-ordered through Bandcamp. For more on Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys, check out the band's Facebook and Instagram.
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