Friday, May 24, 2024

Viruette - "Big Fat Nothing"

Photo by Jimmy Del Ponte

Most bands try to list a wide array of bands as influences, but few seldom live up to having wildly varied influences listed in a press release. Boston's Viruette are an exception to that. The British/American band lists Modest Mouse, Steely Dan, Blur, and Chet Baker as influences, and I can actually hear them all in their latest single. "Big Fat Nothing" is a huge indie rock song layered in upbeat pop side of Britpop, the complexities of prog rock, and plenty of unexpected jazzy elements. It's an ambitious song that just gets better and more intriguing as it goes on. It's the kind of song with so many changes that you barely recognize the beginning as you start you second listen. This is also the style of song that just gets better and better with each listen as you uncover things you missed the time before. "Big Fat Nothing" isn't meant to be background music while you update your spreadsheets, so make sure you can give this your full attention sometime soon.

You can listen to "Big Fat Nothing" below. Your Lacuna is due out June 14 and is available for pre-order through Bandcamp. For more on Viruette, check out the band on Instagram.

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