Friday, December 13, 2024

Ken's Best of 2024 - #3: The Baby Seals - Chaos

With song titles like "Vibrator," "My Labia is Lopsided, But I Don't Mind," and "Nipple Hair" and the fact that their bio states that the idea for the band was "... sparked by the idea of creating a band that humorously explores the challenges of everyday female experience," I
'm not exactly the target audience for The Baby Seals' Chaos. But, great music is universal (plus, I can relate to the bizarre joy of being middle aged and getting asked for your ID that is the subject of "Id'd at Aldi"), so it can still work for everyone. The songs on Chaos hit this very specific sweet spot for me where they're punk and about important subjects while keeping a mocking sense of humor about the world. Plus, these songs are catchy as Hell. Personally, I've had the chorus of "He's gonna come in her face / He's gonna come in her face / He's gonna come in her face" from "Yawn Porn" crammed into my head an infinite number of times this year. As you can probably tell, Chaos isn't safe for work or children, but that adds to the charm.

Songs of note: "Yawn Porn," "Id'd at Aldi," "Vibrator," and "My Labia is Lopsided, But I Don't Mind"

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