A favorite of both myself and Ken’s this year, The Beths is the alt/indie rock record we deserve this year. I got in on the ground floor with their EP some time ago, having been addicted to “Idea/Intent” for some time, but the full length gives us a band that is loud and confident and providing a fully-polished experience that stayed in near-constant rotation for me. On an album with nearly no filler, you’re simply left with a poppy-sounding rock effort that has so many great layers to it.
The title track is one of the highlights, with a singable chorus and traditional background harmonies. For me, it’s more about songs like “Uptown Girl,” a song that shows a ton of personality in its frantic delivery, and “Whatever,” a rerecording from their EP that shows both how well the band has grown along with how far they’ve come. This should be as addictive to any new listener as it has been for me since its release.
Songs of note: “Uptown Girl,” “Future Me Hates Me,” “Whatever.”
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