Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Baby Seals - "ID'd at Aldi"

Photo by Jeff Pitcher

Cambridge, England punks The Baby Seals have a new single out that anyone in their 30's and above can relate to. "ID'd at Aldi" is a punk rager with heavy guitars and pop hooks about the bizarre joy you get when someone tells you that you don't look your age. It's the kind of punk song that has an anger and edge, but also a sense of joy. "ID'd at Aldi" is a ridiculously fun song that also makes a strong point about aging in a fuzzed out, noisy punk song about being asked for your ID. Sonically, it's kind of a mix of L7 and that dog. Plus, it's always great to hear punk rock that doesn't make you feel ancient, as much of the punk rock that the kids are making does. 

Kerry Devine says of the band's new single:

getting ID'd - last time it happened to me was at Aldi, my response was to take it as a compliment - but then as I walked out I thought to myself, how weird is that? What's wrong with looking your age?!  What is this obsession about looking younger, especially for women, as a man you can be a craggy faced 'silver fox' but what is it about women where our currency is directly linked to youth. The song is about us questioning our response and what that says in turn about women older than us."

You can watch the video for "ID'd at Aldi" below. Chaos is due out April 19 on Trapped Animal, Green Island Music, and Big Romantic Records. For more on The Baby Seals, check out the band's website.

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