Friday, March 20, 2020

Activity - "Nude Prince"

Photo by Ebru Yildiz
Activity, the NYC semi-supergroup featuring members of Grooms, Field Mouse, and Russian Baths, are back with another single from their upcoming debut album. "Nude Prince" continues the trip hop meets shoegaze sound we loved from their previous single. If anything, "Nude Prince" dives further into the dark side of trip hop. It's a black hole of a song, sucking everything into itself the longer you listen. It's an impossibly slow song with a drum and bass rhythm and a shoegaze fuzz swirling the entire thing together.

The band explains the song: "Those icy synths for whatever reason made me think of the title and I worked back from that into this idea of what happens to the families of people, specifically men, who do shitty things, especially after they get caught. This one was pretty much totally cut together piece by piece in the studio, not live at all."

You can listen to "Nude Prince" below. Unmask Whoever, the upcoming album from Activity, will be out March 27 on Western Vinyl. You can pre-order a copy here. For more on Activity, check them out on Facebook and Twitter.

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