Monday, January 13, 2025

Heather Maloney - "Labyrinth in the Weeds"

Heather Maloney's upcoming album wasn't meant for release. It's a collection of songs mourning her late father, and sharing memories of him. It's set for release at the end of the month, and a new single is out now. "Labyrinth in the Weeds" feels more intimate than the previously released singles. It starts out with minimal instrumentation, and is mostly Maloney's vocals. The result is a song that is mostly positive despite how mournful it is. Just as you think the song is about to end, it transitions into a more passionate track. As touching as Maloney's previous singles have been, if "Labyrinth in the Weeds" doesn't touch something deep inside of you, you may not have a soul.

Heather Maloney says of her latest single:

“This song is an ode to one of my earliest and most favorite memories at my childhood home, which was at the edge of the Appalachians in northwest New Jersey. My dad would let the grass in the field grow until late summer. When it came time to mow, he didn’t cut it down all at once— he’d weave through on the John Deer, making a sort-of maze for us kids, and we’d follow behind.

"I remember how it felt so viscerally; the smell of the grass and the crunch under my feet, and especially the giddy feeling of losing sight of him when he rounded a new corner. After he died this actually came to mind. I had a sense that my dad, who was always making a game out of things, had just rounded another kind of new corner I couldn’t yet see past. It was a comforting thought and the inspiration for the song.”

You can listen to "Labyrinth in the Weeds" below. Exploding Star is due out on January 31 on Signature Sound Recordings, and is available for pre-order through Bandcamp. For more on Heather Maloney, check out the artist's website. Upcoming tour dates are below the song.

FEB 7 FRI       The Iron Horse   Northampton, MA

FEB 8 SAT      The Iron Horse   Northampton, MA

FEB 12 WED   One Longfellow Square  Portland, ME

FEB 13 THU    Club Passim      Cambridge, MA

FEB 14 FRI     Caffè Lena       Saratoga Springs, NY

FEB 26 WED   City Vineyard    New York, NY

FEB 27 THU     Godfrey Daniels  Bethlehem, PA

FEB 28 FRI      City Winery Philadelphia    Philadelphia, PA

MAR 7 FRI       Channing Murray Foundation  Urbana, IL

MAR 8 SAT      The Bur Oak   Madison, WI

MAR 9 SUN      Gibson Music Hall   Appleton, WI

MAR 10 MON    Bishop Hill Creative Commons   Bishop Hill, IL

MAR 11 TUE     Space   Evanston, IL

MAR 12 WED   3300 Event Center   Peoria, IL

MAR 13 THU    20 Front Street     Lake Orion, MI

MAR 14 FRI     The G.A.R. Hall     Peninsula, OH

MAR 21 FRI     The Music Hall Lounge  Portsmouth, NH

MAR 22 SAT    Higher Ground          South Burlington, VT

MAY 2 FRI Me & Thee Marblehead, MA

JUN 5 THU Reeves Theater Elkin, NC

JUN 8 SUN Sunday’s at Olivettes Asheville, NC

OCT 7 TUE      Rhine, Women and Song 2025   Amsterdam, Netherlands

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