Rising out of the ashes of PowerSlut comes Linnea's Closet, the new musical project of Linnea Herzog. Much like her previous band, "I Wanna Try On Yr Clothes" is a big rock song. It's just a huge straight up glam rocker, the kind we could all really, really use right now. The band's Bandcamp profile calls themselves "dance punk," and who are we to argue with that? Although we do find it a little bit more rock than that description would allow. It's fun, loud rock that takes itself just a little more seriously than PowerSlut did, but only a little.
According to the band: "Linnea's Garden's first recording, "I Wanna Try on Yr Clothes," is a response to the question: how can we make art when the world is shut down? The answer lies in borrowing gear from friends, bicoastal virtual collaborations, learning new skills, texts and calls, and not losing hope...oh yeah, and a little playing dress-up."
You can listen to "I Wanna Try On Yr Clothes" below. For more on Linnea's Garden, be sure to check out the artist's website.
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