Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Freebie: Femegades - Sex Robots

London's Femegades (still one of my favorite band names of the past few years) are back with a new EP. Sex Robots is pure 90's inspired alternative rock. The band gets compared to Veruca Salt quite a bit, and those comparisons aren't wrong. On Sex Robots, they sound like a cross between early indie rock Veruca Salt and later huge alt-rock Veruca Salt. I'm also hearing a bunch of The Donnas style punk inflected power pop, especially on a song like "Broken Bones." Femegades specialize in feminist anthems that stand alone as kick ass rock songs. It's perfect for those that want killer alt-rock with a message.

You can listen to "Broken Bones" below. Sex Robots is available now for the "name your price" option on Bandcamp. If you do choose to download for free, be sure to at least give Femegades a follow on Facebook and/or Instagram.

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