Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Parent Teacher - "Kind Time"

Hailing from New York, Parent Teacher are a difficult band to define. Their latest single, "Kind Time," is indie rock in a very broad sense. It's also both heavy with some elements of twee. It has the large groove of Soul Coughing with the DIY sensibility of Sebadoh. It's a weird, somewhat hypnotic track that sounds both wildly original and entirely familiar. "Kind Time" is the type of release that I can't tell if it's a weirdo niche listen or has a more broad, mainstream appeal. But, Parent Teacher's latest is pretty great, so we're hoping you can help us decide.

You can listen to "Kind Time" below. The single is out now on Wilbur & Moore Records and Lonely Ghost. For more on Parent Teacher, check out the artist on Instagram.

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