Thursday, April 4, 2024

Gut Health - "Conversation Lost"

Being someone who was raised in the Worcester suburbs, I always love bringing you music that hails from that city, especially when it's this great. Gut Health have released a new single, "Conversation Lost," that destroys all of the Worcester musical stereotypes. It's melodic post-hardcore that is probably closest to bands like At the Drive In or Deftones. It's a song that teeters at the edge of metal, but is closer to punk. Despite how heavy "Conversation Lost" is, it's just as melodic. Gut Health are the kind of band so great that they'll make you want to delve deeper into the Worcester music scene.

You can listen to "Conversation Lost" below. The single is available now via Bandcamp. For more on Gut Health, check out the band on Instagram.

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